What's New

.netCURRENCY was originally released in 2001 and has continued to be enhanced based on client suggestions. We are pleased to announce the 3.0 release from July 2016 which includes the following:

  • Updated automated currency handling for 30+ currencies
  • New optional paid and free plan options through 3rd party provider: currencylayer.com for 167+ currencies
  • Special Euro handling, currencies that have moved to the euro will be accurately rated based on their fixed rate versus the Euro and the correct currency symbol / code returned.
  • Complete currency formatting based on local: an all new method, convertformat, will perform a currency conversion the same as convert however it will return a string formatted as the target currency including symbol, spacing, seperator, places, and orientation specific to that currency.
  • The format functionality is also exposed on its own through the new format method which allows for any raw number or return to be formatted as a string of that currency type.
  • Currency symbol image support and override. You can now define images for currency symbols and they will be placed appropriately based on that currencies symbol rules. To specify an image set the symbol to an image name in the currency XML file and it will be automatically detected and displayed.
  • Culture definitions: Each currency can now be defined with a culture definition which is used for formatting currency values by the new format and convertformat methods